The trust that usually needs to be built up during an extensive sales cycle has already been created before we know the potential client exists. Organic.Weaving SEO best practices into your content will make a good impression with Google and move your website up the rankings. A good content marketing strategy provides the information and answers your target audience wants. Distill your digital marketing strategy into your blog schedule. Work with an in-house SEO specialist or an agency to establish what you should be writing about, then create keyword-rich, in-depth articles which directly respond to your audience’s searches. Content marketing, on the other hand, brings your audience to your website, products and services through your content.
Learn more about this content funnel and different types of content marketing. Good stuff — I’ve always said that having a good variety of different content types is key to having a really great, dynamic site. One term you have listed that still seems often misunderstood is “content curation”. Content Marketing would stress even more that that the best curated content does more than just link to other sources of info, but also comment on, package and create something new and valuable with it.
More than half of organizations say they are served by a small content marketing team, which sometimes consists of just one person. A quarter of them have a team that works across departments, while six percent of them say they have a dedicated team for each brand, product, or department. A lot of time, energy, and effort go into doing content marketing well.
Create a list of potential publications, and carefully research the guidelines for each outlet. Content marketing and brand publishing are both about building trust and relationships by connecting on a human level with readers. It makes sense to have your articles authored by humans rather than simply published under your company’s name. After all, companies don’t come up with ideas — humans do. To be successful, you need tools that perfectly adapt to your unique content marketing strategy. Your content creation process needs to consider the research, writing, editing, and optimizing stages, as well as any design or creative requests that accompany the blog post.
The series works well in the middle of the funnel because the content is extremely helpful and serves as a way to introduce the audience to Drift as a sales and marketing company. The email newsletters that work best are the ones that stay clear of pitching a product at every given opportunity. Many companies are guilty of this and drive away readers because of an over-aggressive email strategy. Our podcast, for example, is called Perfectly Content, and in each episode, we talk to a guest speaker who shares real-life scenarios on how they tackle content challenges. Listeners hear everything on creating impactful content and strategies and how to build their branding effectively. There are still many other types of content you can create too.
Reaching your target audience with your blogs is part of the puzzle. However, to keep them coming back for more compelling content is another issue. So you need more touchpoints or points of contact where your ideal customers and potential buyers can quickly reach you. As a seasoned marketer, you may already know the values of user generated content and why you should be using it as part of your content marketing tactics.
Most companies with video marketing strategy (49%) use a mix of in-house and agency-created production to create their videos. And content marketing is in service to your entire marketing strategy — and your business. Shift your mindset to this, and you’ll uncover more revenue opportunities with your content. Content marketing can fit into every part of the marketing funnel. When you approach content marketing as a strategy, you’ll want to note where each type of content fits in. Content marketing involves using content to provide value to the receiver in an informative and strategic way.
If you want to hire someone onto your marketing team who understands content marketing intuitively, hiring a skateboarder might not be a bad step. Once you know who your target readers are and the best formats for every stage in the sales cycle, create a short-term (3-6 months) plan. It’s easy to develop a content marketing plan that’s overly ambitious. However, the plan you design should have content elements you can realistically make based on your budget and resources.